Saturday, April 18, 2009

The fangirl in me

will occasionally come out with established characters from popular shows/games/etc.
Can you blame me?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Comission pic in progress

Aside from homework, I'm working on an over-due comission for a friend of mine. As you can tell, I'm experimenting pen work to create the folds and such of her OC, Pyrros. So far, I like the pants; otherwise, my technique needs important. *sigh* I love this school. In order to improve, I DRAW SOME MORE!!!
Actually, I have another over-due commission to do for another buddy. Yay, more opportunities! I love my friends, they give me a chance.

Adventure Time!

Much joy to be had now Pen Ward's cartoon Adventure Time's been picked up by Cartoon Network.
I thought I celebrate by whipping up a bit ol' fan art.